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TFT meta set 7 guide: compositions, items and augments

TFT meta set 7 guide

Can't seem to progress and win your ranked games? Don't panic, we'll tell you everything in this TFT meta set 7 guide. In this article, we reveal the best compositions TFT, we explain what the items are used for, but also how to use them efficiently and on which champions. You will also find all the information about augments and their effects. Follow the guide, we will make you a champion.

TFT set 7 patchs

In TFT, the meta is constantly evolving. Indeed, regular patches adjust the strengths and weaknesses of traits, champions, items and augments. TFT meta for Set 7 is still under construction, but certain trends are already apparent, such as the composition Olaf Assassin, which always survives despite nerves, and the systematic use of items that add attack speed.

TFT patches meta set 7 list

TFT Set 7 Champions

To begin our TFT meta set 7 guide, let's discuss about champions and comps. As mentioned earlier, the composition that stands out from the beginning of the set is undoubtedly Olaf with an Assassin emblem accompanied by Diana.

Olaf and Diana, the best TFT champions of the set 7

Outside of this composition, the most contested champions are Xayah and Corki as Carry, as well as Shyvana, Sylas and Ornn for tanks. Units that deal magic damage are largely less popular, although recent patches have improved the effectiveness of Sona, Anivia and Ao Shin. For more information on the champions, we explain everything in our best TFT comps tier list in set 7.

TFT Set 7 items

Since good champions are not enough, items choice is crucial in your games. It is even around your items that you will have to choose which type of composition to start with. If you only have magic items, such as Needlessly Big Rod and Tear of the Goddess, there is no point in forcing a composition with one or more AD carries.

TFT items in the set 7 meta

To find out what each item component does and what combinations are possible, here's our TFT items guide to Set 7. And if you want to learn more, we'll tell you which champions to equip them on in our TFT builds items guide to Set 7.

TFT Augments Set 7

The last part of our TFT meta set 7 guide is not the least, as it concerns Augments. These optimisations introduced in Set 6 offer you three times per game to choose one of three Augments . These can give bonuses to your whole team, to certain traits in particular, or to earn more gold coins, to have a champion of a particular origin or class and many other things.

TFT meta set 7 guide

To make it easier for you to see the decisive choices that change the course of your game, we've listed all 201 Silver, Gold and Prismatic optimisations in our TFT Augments set 7 tier list.

That's it for this TFT meta set 7 guide. By following the tips in our various articles, you have all the cards in your hand to climb the rankings and increase your rank. Who knows, you might even become a Master or even a Challenger. If that's the case, don't hesitate to come and talk to us on our Discord.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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