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TFT Patch 12.16: the last update before set 7.5

TFT Patch 12.16: the last update before set 7.5

After a patch 12.14 that impacted all champions and a subsequent one with no impact, TFT patch 12.16 comes to put a big dent in the power of Dragons, before putting them back on the map with set 7.5. Let's explore buffs, nerfs, and adjustments to traits, champions, augments, and items.

TFT patch 12.16: features changes

To begin the TFT patch 12.16 changes, the traits do not undergo major upheaval. Still, we note the buffs of compositions with many Bruiser or Tempest champions and the important Nomsy damages nerf.

Traits buffs

TraitsTFT patch 12.16 traits buffs
Bruiser Icon TFT Trait
HP bonus is increased from 200/325/450/700 to 200/325/500/800.
Tempest TFT icon
The attack speed bonus increases from 20/50/100/200% to 20/50/120/250%.

Traits nerfs

TraitsTFT patch 12.16 traits nerfs
Icon Cavalier TFT trait
Armor and magic resistance are reduced from 35/60/85/110 to 35/55/75/100.
TFT Trainer trait Icon
The base damage of Miamsy's fireball is reduced from 85/110/140/175 to 50/105/125/155.
Scalescorn Icon TFT Trait
Magic damage bonus drops from 15/50/125% to 15/50/115%.

TFT patch 12.16 : champions changes

TFT patch 12.16: Dragons' nerfs

The champions are the part most impacted by this TFT patch 12.16. If many champions see their statistics improved, including the two champions Metamorphosis, Elise and Shyvana, we mainly retain the Yasuo and the dragons nerfs: Ao Shin, Daeja, Sy'fen and Shi Oh Yu.

Champion buffs

ChampionsTFT patch 12.16 Champions Buffs
Icon Braum Champion TFT
Its attack damage increases from 50 to 70.
Diana Champion TFT icon
The orb damage of his spell is increased from 80/90/110 to 90/105/120.
Elise Champion TFT icon
The damage of his spell increases from 210/260/310 to 230/270/310.
Kayn Champion TFT icon
His armor and magic resistance are improved from 25 to 35. His Mana goes from 0/45 to 0/30.
Lee Sin Champion TFT icon
Lee Sin
His mana goes from 40/100 to 30/90
Pyke Champion TFT Icon
The damage of his spell increases from 325/450/15000 to 375/475/15000 on the primary target and from 150/250/15000 to 180/250/15000 on secondary targets.
Ryze Champion TFT icon
Its attack speed increases from 0.65 to 0.7.
Xayah Champion TFT Icon
Its attack damage is increased from 70 to 75 and its feather damage from 12/20/60 to 15/20/60.
Shyvana Champion TFT icon
His mana goes from 0/60 to 15/60.
Sona Champion TFT icon
The base damage of his spell is increased from 250/350/1000 to 250/375/1000.

Champions Nerfs

ChampionsTFT patch 12.16 champions nerfs
Ao Shin Champion TFT Icon
Ao Shin
The damage of his spell decreases from 225/400/2500 to 225/385/2500.
Daeja Champion TFT icon
His armor and magic resistance drop from 40 to 30. The damage of its passive is reduced from 25/40/150 to 20/35/150.
Shi Oh Yu Champion TFT Icon
Shi Oh Yu
The damage reduction of his spell decreases from 20/25/50% to 15/20/50%.
Sy'fen Champion TFT icon
His armor and magic resistance are reduced from 40 to 30. Its attack damage is reduced from 110 to 100.
Yasuo Champion TFT Icon
His HP is reduced from 1100 to 1000 and the damage bonus of his spell is reduced from 160/200/3000% to 150/180/3000%.
Icon Yone Champion TFT
The damage of his spell increases from 90/150/225 to 90/140/215.

Champion adjustments

ChampionsTFT patch 12.16 champions adjustments
Icon Ezreal Champion TFT
Its attack speed increases from 0.6 to 0.65, but its attack damage decreases from 40 to 35.

TFT patch 12.16: Augments changes

Regarding Augments, no major changes in this TFT patch 12.16. The main changes are to counterbalance the buffs and nerfs of champions and traits to prevent them from becoming too powerful. It is worth noting that optimizations that offer gold coins offer even more gold coins and that Augments cybernetics give less hit points.

Augments buffs

AugmentsTFT patch 12.16 Augments Buffs
Axiom Arc II Icon Augment
Axiom Arc I / II
The mana bonus increases from 20/30 to 25/40.
Lategame specialist icon Augment
Lategame Specialist
At level 9, you receive 45 gold coins instead of 40.
Personal Training icon Augment
Personal Training
The amount of VP permanently gained by champions who start the fight next to a Fighter increases from 30 to 40.
Windfall icon Augment
The number of gold coins received increases from 20/30/40 to 25/35/45.

Augments nerfs

AugmentsTFT 12.16 Augments Nerfs
Cybernetics Implants III Icon Augment
Augments cybernetics
The VP bonus granted by the Cybernetic Implants, Cybernetic Bond and Cybernetic Shell optimizations is increased from 125/200/300 to 100/150/250.
Best Friends III icon Augment
Best friends
The attack speed bonus is reduced from 10/20/30% to 10/15/20%.
Hot Shot Icon Augment
Hot Shot
Burns inflicted by Cannoneers' fire now inflict 6% of maximum HP instead of 8%.
Press the Attack Icon Augment
Press the Attack
Damage is increased from 5% to 4% of the target's maximum health.
Scorch icon Augment
The percentage of additional damage of Furiailes is reduced from 33% to 25%.
Weak Spot Icon Augment
The duration of the effects is reduced from 5 to 3 seconds.

TFT patch 12.16: items changes

Finally, the TFT items remain almost unchanged. Only Statikk Shiv gets an upgrade, while Zz'Rot's Portal, Sunfire Cape, and Ionic Spark have their effects reduced.

Item buffs

ItemsTFT patch 12.16 items buffs
Statikk Shiv TFT Icon Item
Statikk Shiv
The damage inflicted for every three attacks by the wearer is reduced from 60 to 50.

Item Nerfs

ItemsTFT patch 12.16 item nerfs
Sunfire Cape TFT Icon Item
Sunfire Cape
The VP bonus is increased from 350 to 300.
Ionic Spark TFT Icon Items
Ionic Spark
Magic damage is reduced from 200% to 185% of the targets maximum mana.
Zz'Rot Portal TFT Icon Items
Zz'Rot Portal
The Voidspawn's HP drops from 1350/1600/1900/2250 to 1200/1450/1700/2000.

That's it for the TFT patch 12.16 changes. It is likely that the impact of dragons will be drastically reduced and that we will return to a similar situation as in patch 12.13. Nevertheless, dragons will be back in force very soon with set 7.5 arrival, which should change the meta in favor of our scaly friends. For more tips on compositions, Augments and items, I invite you to discover our TFT meta set 7 guide.

Alco A fan of video games, SF, comics, cinema and new technologies, he is a bit of a geek cliché, but he assumes it.

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