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One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide | Tips and Advice

One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide

Sometimes, a quick tutorial falls short, and players may struggle to immerse themselves in the true gaming experience. With this One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide, you'll grasp the game's basics and pick up a handful of tips and tricks. OPM World allows you to choose your favorite hero and triumph over the wandering monsters on Earth with various skill combos and superpowers. Upgrade characters, delve into an engaging storyline, and assemble a perfect team! But before diving in, you must learn this expansive game in depth to kickstart your journey.

One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide: Core Mechanics

The newly-released One Punch Man World is an anime-adapted game where every battle mirrors the epic scale of the beloved series. Players embark on the journey as a hero affiliated with the Hero Association. Your main goal is to defeat monsters and various bosses causing destruction.

OPM World : Beginner's Guide

However, the game isn't limited to fights. You can also partake in side quests and activities while exploring the Z-City. Here are some gameplay basics in our One Punch Man World beginner's guide to help you at the initial phase of playthrough. Check out our OPM: World Codes and claim some essential resources and get a good start!

Complete main and side quests

Upon completing the initial tutorial and introductory cutscenes, players can dive into the various quest lines. The quest option is on the left corner of your screen. Click on it to keep up with new quests. For your convenience, you can select "Start Navigation" within the quests menu. This feature will create a clear trail, guiding you directly to the trail location.

Complete main and side quests

There are two types of quests:

  • Main Quests

  • Side Quests

In this One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide, quests are essential to perform in order to progress in the game. You'll obtain generous rewards upon completing them. For side missions, you can interact with NPCs marked with a blue/purple symbol. These NPCs are a part of special side missions. Not only does completing side quests unveil new story content, but it also rewards you with EXP, allowing your characters to level up.

One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide: Master the combat mechanics

Given the game's action-packed nature, players will frequently engage in combat scenarios. Without knowledge, you may get overwhelmed by multiple buttons on your screen during combat. I suggest familiarizing yourself with these buttons. You can practice and refine your skills by training with heroes. In addition, if your current gameplay settings (keybindings and camera function) don't meet your satisfaction, navigate to "Settings." Choose "Gameplay" and make any desired adjustments.

Boos fight OMP World

In this One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide, keep in mind that each hero has different skill buttons except the dash and basic attack. You can find the Ultimate button above the joystick. Once the ultimate is maxed out, click on it to deal massive DMG and increase the overall damage your entire team deals.

Form your own team in One Punch Man World

As you unlock characters, the opportunity to construct your own team becomes available. Navigate to the mobile option at the top left corner and choose "Team." Here, you can craft diverse team compositions, which proves beneficial as various enemies exhibit weaknesses to different characters. There are four character types available in OPM: World:

  1. Morale-Red

  2. Overpower-Purple

  3. Technique-Green

  4. Assault-Blue

One Punch Man World : Teams

Each enemy type has a specific weakness to one of these four character types. So, learn which character excels against the enemy and strategically deploy them on the battlefield.

One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide: Tips and Tricks

Now that you're familiar with the basics of the game, check out these One Punch Man World beginner's guide tips and tricks.

Invest in leveling up your character

Even an SSR character requires consistent upgrades to overcome progressively bigger and stronger bosses. As you clear stages, complete quests, and defeat enemies, you'll receive various resources. Leverage these resources to upgrade your character's development. To do so, select the Character Development option on the top right corner of the screen. You can utilize the collected resources here to upgrade your character across various fields.

Level up your character in One Punch Man: World Beginner's Guide

Should you acquire Impression Arms through draws, you can further empower your character by equipping them, providing an additional boost. Each Arm comes with an "Arm Skill," carrying its own skills and abilities. It is automatically activated once the character has it equipped.

Focus on the training sessions in OPM World

Before our One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide dives into battles, consider performing a target or free training session. This approach allows you to explore new skill combinations and adapt to a character's skill set. Most players ignore taking these sessions, but they're extremely helpful in the long run.

You can train your heroes by visiting the Character Upgrade menu. Here, choose the character you desire to train with and click on "gameplay." You'll find the options "Target Training" and "Free Training" here. Upon completing all seven training sessions in Target Training," you'll be rewarded with 50x World Silver coins.

One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide: Know your enemies

Similar to heroes, One Punch Man World enemies are categorized into different types. Players can check the enemy's weaknesses in "Stage Details" and set up their team accordingly. Deploy heroes who perform better against the enemy in combat. You can strategically pair them with characters that complement their abilities for optimal effectiveness.

Improve your dodging skills in OPM World

I strongly encourage players to hone their dodging skills. Whether your character is close-ranged or long-ranged, constant movement is essential during combat. Certain opponents unleash substantial damage upon a direct hit, often causing stun. To effectively evade these powerful strikes in a fast-paced environment, leverage your dodging skills.

The best place to train your dodging skills is the "Free Training" arena. Make sure to choose the "Swift" mode. In this mode, enemies constantly attack the player, allowing them to concentrate on enhancing their dodging skills more efficiently.

Hero Unlock Feature in OPM: World Beginner's Guide

In the OPM: World gameplay, players will encounter the gacha feature. This popular feature enables players to enlist new characters for their team. These characters can range from top-tier heroes like Saitama (Dreamworld) and Genos to common ones like Golden Ball.

Draw to unlock new heroes

Players can perform a Regular Draw, a Starter Selection Draw, and a Limited Time draw. Each draw type carries a varying percentage chance of obtaining an SSR character. If players fail to obtain their desired SSR character from the Starter Selection Draw, they can reroll and try their luck again. You'll also need to collect World Gold and Normal Draw Tickets to perform the draw.

That concludes the One Punch Man World Beginner's Guide, designed to help kickstart your epic journey. I hope this in-depth guide assisted you with the core mechanics of the game, along with some general One Punch Man World tips to progress faster.

Ayesha As an indie RPG enthusiast, I believe life's too short to miss out on epic adventures. In my free time, I relish the enchanting worlds of fantasy novels and movies.
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